Abstract:Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding writer in American literature of the twentieth century and also the pioneer of American realism. The most remarkable characteristic of his life is that he holds the creative principle of realism unswervingly. He persists in his mode of creativity in realism to describe the process how American society evolves into imperialism from capitalism typically and deeply and discloses and animadverts on the depravity of the American social and political life. An American tragedy is Theodore Dreiser’s most important realistic work. This novel tells a story that the dramatis persona Clyde Griffith degenerates into a murder in pursuit of the lifestyle of the bourgeoisie in America. This novel, marking the victory of realism in America, breaks quite stubborn “elegance tradition” in the history of American Literature. An American tragedy came to be known as the greatest novel in America, and it was for this book that Theodore Dreiser was able to establish his own status in American literary history.
The first part of this thesis introduces the author and his literary achievements,and put up the purpose of the thesis by reviewing the main evaluation about An American Tragedy by Chinese and American literary circle. The second part introduces the definition and the characteristics of realism. The third part analyzes the material of the novel to study the writer’s realism. The fourth part analyzes the tragic fate of Clyde from different angles such as politics, economy and so on, showing the spirit of realism in the novel and reflecting the hardhearted praxis of the American society. The fifth part analyzes the practical significance and far-reaching impacts of this novel. Through these five parts, the thesis aims at animadverting on the darkness and corruption of American Society at the beginning of 20th century and eulogizing the writer’s spirit of realism.
Keywords: Theodore Dreiser; American Tragedy; Realism; Capitalism; Clyde Griffith
Chapter 1 Introduction-1
1.1-Theodore Dreiser and His Major Literary Achievements-1
1.2 A Brief Introduction to An American Tragedy-2
1.3 Literature Review-3
1.3.1 Previous Research about An American Tragedy-3
1.3.2 The Purpose and Significance of My Own Research-4
Chapter 2 Realism-5
2.1 The Definition of Realism-5
2.2 The Development of Realism-5
Chapter 3 The Material Source of An American Tragedy-7
3.1 Materials from Theodore Dreiser’s Own Experience-7
3.2 Materials from the Case of Chester Clyde-7
Chapter 4 Realism In An American Tragedy-9
4.1 Realism from the Perspective of Social Economy-9
4.2 Realism from the Perspective of Political Pattern-9
4.3 Realism from the Perspective of Emotion-10
4.4 Realism from the Perspective of Religion-11
Chapter 5 Conclusion-13