Abstract:This paper aims to find efficient approaches to cultivate starters’ motivation in second language learning. Based on some previous researches on second language learning and the analysis of starters’ cognitive features in China, the author tries to approach some effective measures to cultivate starters’ motivation in second language learning, such as creating an active and pleasant atmosphere in classroom, helping starters set up appropriate goals and so on.
Key words: motivation; second language learning; starters
1. Introduction1
2. Motivation of second language learning2
2.1.Definition of motivation
2.2.Types of motivation
2.2.1.Integrative motivation and instrumental motivation
2.2.2.Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation
2.3. Importance of motivation
3.Analysis of starters of second language learning4
4. Cultivating starters’ motivation in second language learning .5
4.1. Creating an active and pleasant atmosphere
4.2. Helping starters to set up appropriate goals
4.3 .Changing the traditional method
4.4 .Teaching according to starters’ individual differences
4.5 .Giving starters proper extrinsic stimulus
4.6 .Promoting starters’ autonomy
5. Conclusion 8