Abstract:Shui Hu Zhuan is a monument of ancient Chinese literature history and also represents a peak period of the development of Chinese classical novels, with its vivid depiction of different female images. The English versions of this great novel have exerted extensive influences on the whole world. As a well-educated woman in western culture, who is also proficient in Chinese culture, Pearl is the first one succeeding in translating Shui Hu Zhuan. In the process of translation, she analyzes the foreignization of female images in a personalized way, which embodies her typical feminist consciousness. However, cultural and ideological differences exert influences on the reconstitution of feminism. Therefore,, with translation theories concerning feminism, this thesis aims to discuss the feminism in Shui Hu Zhuan and the reconstitution of feminism in its English version All Men Are Brothers.
Key words: Shui Hu Zhuan; feminism; reconstitution
2. The Feminism in Shui Hu Zhuan.....1
2.1 The Connotation of Feminism
2.2 The Reflection of Feminism in Shui Hu Zhuan
3. The Reconstitution of Feminism in All Men Are Brothers 3
3.1 Translation Theory Concerning Feminism
3.2 Factors Influencing the Reconstitution
3.2.1 Cultural and Ideological Differences
3.2.2 The Translator
3.3 Strategies of the Reconstitution
3.3.1 Supplementing
3.3.2 Hijacking
3.3.3 Prefacing
3.3.4 Direct Representation
4. Conclusion 8
Bibliography.. 10
Acknowledgements. 11