Abstract:At present, many scholars have done some researches to translation from the perspective of relevance theory. Relevance theory developed by Sperber and Wilson and the relevance-based account of translation theory posed by Gutt have become a new theory directing translation. This thesis studies the translation of humor in the view of Relevance Theory and discusses the relevant principle and methods in the translation of humor which can make target readers recognize humor profoundly.
This thesis consists of four parts.
Chapter One is mainly about definition of humor, its features and classifications, and relevant theories concerning humor.
Chapter Two centers on the importance of Relevance Theory, its definitions, background, some chief points, and then analyses its points in the view of communication and cognition.
Chapter Three investigates the translation of humor in combination with Relevance Theory. The first section discusses difficulties in translation of English humor, including difficulties in linguistic and cultural differences. The second section focuses on five methods of humor translation in Relevance Theory, i.e. literal translation, replacement, explication, coincidence and annotation.
The conclusion summarizes the whole thesis, discussing the translation of humor from the perspective of Relevance Theory, stressing the important and indispensable role of RT in the translation of humor. It helps readers understand humor correctly, so readers of different languages and cultural backgrounds can enjoy the mental expression of humor in original works.
Keywords: Relevance Theory translation of humor cognitive context communication
Chapter One Review of Humor-1
1.1 Definition of Humor-1
1.2 Classification of Humor-1
Chapter Two Review of Relevance Theory-3
2.1 Definition of Relevance Theory-3
2.2 Main Points of Relevance Theory-3
2.2.1 Communication-3
2.2.2 Cognitive Context-3
Chapter Three The Applications of Relevance Theory into the Translation of Humor-5
3.1 Difficulties in Translation of English Humor-5
3.1.1 Linguistic Differences-5
3.1.2 Cultural Differences-6
3.2 Methods Used in Translating Humor in Light of Relevance Theory-7
3.2.1 Literal Translation-7
3.2.2 Replacement-8
3.2.3 Explication-9
3.2.4 Coincidence-10
3.2.5 Annotation-11
Chapter Four Conclusion-13