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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is honored as a classic work in the English literature history. Since the inception of new century, there has been great achievements in the research of this poem at home and abroad including a large number of related academic books and papers. Most of their comments are concentrated in the study of versions and character researches, texts and narrative structures, ethic and religious thoughts. Starting from the text and content, this article combines Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with the history of England and further puts it in the theoretical perspective of national community formation. Through the analysis of its moral and ideological significance as well social impacts, this article attempts to find out the relationship between Sir Gawain And The Green Knight and the contemporary English national characteristics as well as national ethic.

Keyword: community building; Sir Gawain; moral imagination; sublime;




摘  要

1. Literature Review-6

1.1 Referential Materials-6

1.2 Gawain Image in Related Works-7

2. Brief Analysis on Chivalry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-10

2.1 The Traces of the Chivalric Story in the Work-10

2.2 Three Chivalric Aspects Shown in the Work-11

2.3 The Contemporary Chivalry and Morality-12

3.The Formation of Community and Moral Imagination-14

3.1 Brief Understanding on English Community Formation-14

3.2 Relationship between Sir Gawain and the Morality Forming-15

3.3 The sublime and the morality forming in community-15

4. Conclusion-17
