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Loneliness and fall are the main themes of Frankenstein. This paper first explores a literary interpretation of loneliness and its relationship with fall, namely that loneliness can lead to fall, but not being a necessity. Then it analyzes the causes of the monster’s loneliness in Frankenstein which are caused by failure of self-identity, reflection and acceptance of the self. It finally elaborates two main performances of the monster’s fall: the loss of rationality and the bloody revenge.


Key words: monster; loneliness; fall





1. Introduction-1

2. Loneliness and fall-2

2.1 A literary interpretation of loneliness-2

2.2 Relationship between loneliness and fall-2

3. Causes of the monster’s loneliness-3

3.1 Failure of self-identity-3

3.1.1 Creation of the monster-3

3.1.2 People’s attitude and bias-4

3.2 Reflection and acceptance of the self-5

3.2.1 The growth of knowledge-5

3.2.2 Despair of the human being-7

4. Fall of the monster-7

4.1 The loss of rationality-8

4.2 The bloody revenge-8

5. Conclusion-9

Works Cited-11