This thesis is a study on the forming of the androgynous personality of Orlando. Consequently, the rich content and profound meaning of the novel by Virginia Woolf are revealed. Through the analysis of the social value and the meaning of life in the novel, it can be found that when men and women are equal in body and soul, the heroine is able to grasp the rational and physical reality of the male society, and feel the emotional and spiritual world of women. This is the reflection of Woolf's ideal of androgyny.
Key words: socialist feminism, Orlando, Virginia Woolf, androgyny
I. Introduction-1
1.1 Virginia Woolf’s works-2
1.2 Virginia Woolf’s Orlando-3
1.3 Study of scholars-4
II. Androgyny in Virginia Wolf's Orlando-5
III Social feminism and in Virginia Wolf's Orlando-7
IV. Conclusion-9
V. Works Cited-11