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This thesis is a study on symbolism in Moby Dick, analyzing the symbolic meanings of the whale, the color, and the characters. The whale was the symbol of the relationship between human and Nature. The color was the symbol of the relationship between human and society. The characters were the symbols of the relationship between human and God. Through these images, we found the writer’s thirst for the balance between human and Nature, his fighting against racial discrimination, and the eagerness to reconcile with God. 


Key words: Moby Dick, Herman Melville, Symbolism






1.1 Introduction to Herman Melville and his works-1

1.2 Introduction to Moby Dick-2

1.3 Introduction to symbol and symbolism-2


2.Symbols of the whale-3

2.1 The Symbolic meanings of the whale-3

2.2 The reason of choosing the whale-4

2.3 The function of the whale-5


3. Symbols of the colors-5

3.1 The symbolic meaning of the colors in Moby Dick-6

3.1.1 White-6

3.1.2 Black-7

3.2 The reason of choosing these colors-8

3.3 The function of the colors-9


4. The symbols of the characters-9

4.1 The symbolic meaning of the characters-10

4.1.1 Ahab-10

4.1.2 Ishmael-11

4.2 The reason of choosing these characters-12

4.3 The function of the characters-13


5. Conclusion-13


Works Cited-14