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 Listening is the key point in English learning, as well as the difficult part for the majority of juniors in China. How to improve listening competence of juniors is a problem that English educators are constantly exploring. The traditional listening teaching mode doesn’t not adapt to the modern education. So the diversification of listening materials has become an inevitable trend. English movies, with their interesting and colorful features, will inevitably become the first choice of listening materials. This paper sets the English movies named High School Musical, which comforts to juniors’ taste, as a case study to find some strategies in improving listening competence of juniors with English movies.


  Key words: English movies; juniors; English listening teaching





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature review-2

 2.1 Listening teaching-2

2.1.1The models for listening teaching-2

2.1.2 The principles for listening teaching-3

2.1.3 The Selection of listening teaching activities-4

2.2 Listening materials-5

3. Methodology-6

3.1 Subjects-6

3.2 Instruments-6

3.3 Procedure-7

3.4 Data collection and analysis-8


4.1 The selection of proper English movies-11

4.2 The roles of teachers-12

4.3 The design of proper teaching activities-13

5. Conclusion-13


Appendix I-16

Appendix II-18