Abstract: with the flourish of international automobile industry, the commercial transactions and collaborations between the auto manufacturers increase rapidly. Lots of famous auto brands strive to launch the Chinese market. However, the enterprises’ damages on finance and image caused by poor translation constantly occurs, which knocks the alarms for the domestic automobile industry that hope to accelerate the internationalization. Guided by the Skopostheorie, this paper analyzes translation strategies of British and American auto brand names based on its cultural connotations and historical backgrounds, meanwhile, it intends to serve as a reference for the translation of Chineses auto brand.
Key words: automobile brand; Skopostheorie; translation strategies
1. Introduction-1
1.1 An Overview of Previous Studies-1
1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Research-3
2. The Origins and Functions of Auto Brand Name-4
2.1 The Definition and Origin of Brand Name-4
2.2 The Functions of Auto Brand Name-5
3. Skopostheorie-7
3.1 The Definition of Skopostheorie-7
3.2 The Basic Principles of Skopostheorie-7
3.2.1 The Skopos Rule-7
3.2.2 The Coherence Rule And The Fidelity Rule-8
3.2.3 The Loyalty Rule-9
4. The Translation strategies of Auto Brand Name-10
4.1 Literal Translation-10
4.2 Transliteration-12
4.3 Paraphrase-13
4.4 The Combination of Transliteration & Paraphrase-15
4.5 Creation-16
5. Conclusion-18