Abstract: The Grapes of Wrath is Steinbeck’s representative work which describes a large number of farmers in exile, fleeing from famine in the 1930s’ economic panic time. As it emphasizes the interdependence between nature, society and human relations, it is an ecological masterpiece. With the help of the basic thoughts of the ecological views, analysis of the ecological crisis has been presented from three perspectives, namely, natural ecological view, social and spiritual ecological view, and female ecological view. And thus this paper probes Steinbeck’s ecological views in the novel, and discusses the historical significance of his ecological views and the realistic meanings for the future harmonious society.
Key words: The Grapes of Wrath; natural ecological view; social and spiritual ecological view; female ecological view
1. Introduction-1
2. The Ecological View-4
3. The Ecological Views in The Grapes of Wrath-5
3.1 Natural Ecological View-6
3.2 Social and Spiritual Ecological View-8
3.3 Female Ecological View-12
4. The Significance of Steinbeck’s Ecological View-16
5. Conclusion-17