Abstract: The Great Gatsby is one of the most important novels in American history. Based upon the previous studies, this paper intends to focus on the images of females in the novel, namely, Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker and Myrtle Wilson. Close analyses show that Daisy is a golden beauty, Jordan is a cool girl and Myrtle is a material woman from the lower class. Then it explores the contributing factors to such images in the novel, which include the patriarchal ideology, the Jazz Age and Fitzgerald the creator. It is hoped that this study may enlighten modern women in some degree.
Keywords: The Great Gatsby; Images of females; Contributing factors
1. Introduction-1
2. Images of Females in The Great Gatsby.-.3
2.1 Daisy Buchanan—The Golden Beauty-3
2.2 Jordan Baker—The Cool Girl-7
2.3 Myrtle Wilson—The Material Woman from the Lower Class.9
3. Contributing Factors to Such Images in the Novel-11
3.1 The Patriarchal Ideology-11
3.2 The Jazz Age-12
3.3 Fitzgerald the Creator.14
4. Conclusion16