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Abstract:     The Old Testament, also known as a part of Hebrew Bible is canonized by the world's three major religions - Christianity, Judaism, Islam. Because it covers a wide range of aspects such as religion, law and literature, it is much more than just a book but as a library. The Old Testament is not only used for religious purpose, it also has historical and literal meaning, recording the formation and the development process of Israel as a nation. It reflects the relationship between the people of Israel and their "God" - the Lord. Specifically, the covenant between them is the basis for the formation and the development of the entire nation of Israel, which determines what the Israeli encounter in their history and also have a effect on the development of religious, law, and faith of the Israel.

Key words: the old testament; Israel; the Lord; Historical development





Introduction 1

1 The Emergency of Israel .2

1.1The Relationship Between the Lord and Man3

1.2The Origin of Israel5

2 History development of Israel 6

2.1 The Belief6

2.1.1 Characteristics of Israeli religion:Monotheism7

2.1.2 Characteristics of Israeli religion:Exclusivity9

2.1.3 Characteristics of Israeli religion:the humanization of God.10

2.2 The Law11

2.2.1 The Form of the law.12

2.2.2 The Contents of the law12


