This thesis is aimed at achieving the systematic analysis of George Eliot’s paradoxical sense towards religion in Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life. Based on the author’s biographical background and historical background of Victoria’s Era, from the angles of humanistic religion, moralized religion, and the evolution of religion, George Eliot expressed her religious pursuit in favor of moderation, and revealed her sophisticated experimental methods for creation. In this way, more depth is reached in artistic value and inner thinking.
Three chapters focus on three paradoxes separately; and according to several characters’ religious life, such as Dorothea, Casoborn, Bulstrode, they express author’s genuine pursuit for religion, as well as her hopeful, though paradoxical attitude towards religion. The first paradox is related with religion’s positive contribution to mentor and cultivate humanity, while the formalism of religion suppresses humanity simultaneously. The second paradox is about the collaborative and complementary relationship between religion and morality, which is erroneous when religion deceives morality. The third paradox based on the religious evolution, and criticized the bidirectional unbalance between religious conservation and religious revolution.
Within the thesis, I applied biological strategies, historical strategies, and mythological strategies, aimed at using a comparative method to connect logic concepts with literature, and hoped to slightly broaden the diversity of the study of George Eliot.
Key words: religion, paradox, humanism, moderation
Chapter I A Brief View of Background-2
1.1 The Religious Crisis of the Nineteenth Century in the United Kingdom-2
1.2 George Eliot’s Related Biographical Details-2
Chapter II Paradox between Religion and Humanity-3
2.1 Blind Devotion to Religion-4
2.2 The Triumph of Humanistic Religion-6
Chapter III Paradox between Religion and Morality-7
3.1 The Erroneous Relationship between Human and God-8
3.2 Religion Is the Cover of Sin-9
Chapter IV Paradox between Conservation and Revolution-12
4.1 Religious Evolution Is Religious Fashion-12