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Abstract: Moses played a special role in the Bible, he was even the hero in Torah besides the Lord. Being a Levite, Moses was low-down, but he was chosen by the Lord to be the leader and bring the Israeli out of Egypt to the land--Canaan. Moses had his own particularities for which God chosen him to be the leader and that’s why he became more special, so the relationship between God and Moses was unique. This paper analyzes the relationship between God and Moses mainly from Exodus and Numbers. There are friendliness and care between them, but also consist estrangement and contradiction, both like the relationship of master and servant, and the relationship between a father and his son. At last, God, as the only one founder and dominator, decided Moses’ destiny at last.

Key words: God, Moses, relationship, master and servant, father and son.






1. The Identities and Personalities of Moses-3

1.1. Moses’ Identity-3

1.1.1. A Slave and a Prince of Egypt-3

1.1.2. A Fugitive and a Shepherd-4

1.1.3. A Judge and a Lawmaker-5

1.2. The Personalities of Moses-6

1.2.1. Brave and Cowardly-6

1.2.2. Righteous and Cruel-7

2. The Relationship Between God and Moses--the Relationship Between God and the Israeli-9

2.1. Master and Servant-9

2.1.1. The Origin and Development of the Relationship of Master and Servant-9

2.1.2. The Master and Servant Relation Between God and Moses-10

2.2.Father and Son-12

2.2.1 Firstborn son-12

2.2.2. The Attitude of Moses to God at the Beginning-13

2.2.3 The Change of the Attitude Between God and Moses-13

2.2.4 The Conflicts Between Father and Son-14


