Abstract: So far the academic research and literary review about the biblical figures or the stories have not been as rich as those in the other fields of literature, while in fact they are of great fascination. This paper intends to compare Joseph who comes from the Old Testament with Jesus who is known to the entire world, since there are various connections and similarities between them. The comparative study and analytical method are mainly used. And the comparison will cover three main aspects, from the life experience to the character, and the identity in the end. To make it more elaborate and detailed, each part will try to present a panorama of itself with more analysis. Take the part of Joseph's character as an example, it will be described in two cases, one is "In adversity", and another one is "in prosperity". In brief, the overall frame will be clearly structured. At last, it proves that there is a common ground between Joseph and Jesus, either of their life experiences or the character or everything behind those issues, while there is also some distinct difference. And that Joseph's appearance in the Old Testament is not incidental will also be explained, he comes to prefigure the arrival of Jesus, yet he is not the only one.
Key word: Joseph Jesus comparison similarities connections
1. Life Experiences-2
1.1 Life Experience of Joseph-2
1.2 Life Experience of Jesus-3
1.3 Comparison-5
1.3.1 Family Relationship-5
1.3.2 Major Life Events-6
1.3.3 The Relationship with “Brothers”-6
1.3.4 The Temptation-8
1.3.5 The Age Their “Work” Starts-8
1.3.6 The Marriage-9
2. Character-9
2.1 The Character of Joseph-9
2.1.1 In Adversity-10
2.1.2 In Prosperity-12
2.2 The Character of Jesus-14
2.2.1 Perfect-14
2.2.2 Of Love-15
2.3 Brief Conclusion-19
3. Identity-19
3.1 From the Worldly Perspective-20
3.2 From the Godly Perspective-20