English reading has been always a difficulty and a focal point in English learning of senior high school. New English teaching syllabus for senior high school regards "focus on the cultivation of students' reading ability" as the main purpose of English teaching in senior high school. After the reformation of college entrance examination, the proportion of reading scores increased, accounted for nearly half of the total points. In the high school English teaching, there is a common issue that students don't do well in reading and learning efficiency is not high. English reading ability training is the core of high school English learning and the matters that students developing the ability of thinking, grasping scientific and effective methods of reading, and obtaining the best effect in reading. According to my internship and interview with students and English Teachers, I will explain the current situation of senior high school students' reading ability, and analyze the teaching modes. My elaboration aims at the improvement of students' ability of English reading, thereafter I will put forward some relevant measures to promote students' English reading ability. This paper shows the background and purpose of English reading skills, the English reading skills such as the concept, the researches on English reading skills at home and abroad firstly; then introduces the survey by questionnaire and questionnaire analysis, focusing on the problems reflected in English reading skills learning and using, as well as in English reading teaching; and lists the strategies of the English reading skills improvement; finally, summarizes the text.
Keywords: English learning in senior high school; English reading; The improvement of reading skills
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Research background-1
1.2 Research purpose-2
2 Literature review-4
2.1 English reading skills-4
2.1.1 Definition-4
2.1.2 Classification-4
2.2 The study of English reading skills abroad and at home-5
2.2.1 The study of English reading skills abroad-5
2.2.2 The study of English reading skills at home-6
3 Methodology-7
3.1 Research questions-7
3.2 Participants-7
3.3 Research methods-7
3.4 Data analysis-8
4 Findings and discussion-11
4.1 Senior High School students’ consciousness on English reading skills-11
4.2 The problems in Senior High School students’ English reading skills-11
4.3 The influential factors of Senior High School students’ English reading skills-12
4.4 Teachers’ problems on teaching English reading-13
4.5 Strategies in improving students’ English reading skills-14
4.5.1 Selecting reading materials-14
4.5.2 Making reading plans-15
4.5.3 Skimming-15
4.5.4 Scanning-15
4.5.5 Prediction-16
4.5.6 Guessing word meaning-16
5 Conclusion-18