This thesis talks about subtitles translation from the perspective of relevance theory by doing a case study of a movie called “A Cinderella Story”. It is composed of three parts: introduction, the main body and the conclusion. The introduction part mainly talks about the purpose and the significance of choosing this topic and the development of relevance theory. The main part is made up of four parts. Part 1 gives an introduction to subtitles and subtitles translation; Part 2 reviews subtitle and subtitle translation and both of their definitions and their features; Part 3 presents the relationship between relevance theory and subtitle translation and points out that it is feasible to use relevance theory to study subtitle translation; Part 4 is a case study and introduces the strategies used in the subtitles translation of the movie under the guidance of relevance theory. The last part is the conclusion, and it points out the suggestions and prospects of the further study on movie subtitles translation.
Keywords: relevance theory; movie subtitles translation; A Cinderella Story.
1.Introduction 1
2.Literature review.1
2.1 Subtitle2
2.1.1 Definition of subtitle2
2.1.2 Features of subtitle.3
2.2 Subtitle translation3
2.2.1 Definition of subtitle translation .3
2.2.2 Features of subtitle translation.4
3. Relevance Theory and Subtitle Translation.4
4. A case study of the movie A Cinderella Story6
4.1An introduction to the movie7
4.2 Strategies used in subtitle translation.7
4.2.1 Paraphrasing7
4.2.2 Deletion.9
4.2.3 Annotation10
5. Conclusion11
Works Cited.12