Tourism, as a typical Cross-Cultural activity, in all kinds of tourism materials, tourism scenic spots translation plays a very important role. Various scenic spots tend to including rich cultural information. Therefore when we do scenic spots translation, we should give sufficient consideration to cross-cultural awareness and provide scenic spots information as accurate as possible. This paper firstly talks about something about cross-cultural awareness, then explores the features of Tourism English. Finally it analyzes four scenic spots translation methods, which are beneficial for the transmission of Chinese culture.
Key words: Cross-Cultural awareness; Scenic spots names; Translation
1. Introduction-5
2. Literature review-5
3. Features of tourism English-7
3.1 The scope of tourism English is very broad-7
3.2 Tourism English has very deep cultural meaning-8
3.3 Tourism English possesses artistic language feature-8
4.Problems existing in translation of scenic spots names-8
4.1 The name of one scenic spot has different translation terms-8
4.2 Translators ignore the cultural background information of the names of scenic spots-9
4.3 Translators ignore differences between the Chinese and English linguistic cultures-10
5. Translation methods of scenic spots names-10
5.1 Transliteration-10
5.2 Free Translation-11
5.3 Transliteration plus Free Translation-12
5.4 Transliteration plus explanation-13
6. Conclusion-14
Work cited-16