The Bone settle’s Daughter is one of the most famous works written by the Chinese-American writer Amy Tan. This thesis takes The Bone settle’ s Daughter as analytic target, and commences in the cultural conflicts and cultural blending. Cultural conflicts are from the points of penetration of cultural identity, values and cultural context, and cultural blending is from the aspects of cultural adaptation and assimilation. This paper depicts the situation of Chinese-Americans in the society of the USA and their different attitudes to Chinese traditional culture systematically and integrally. In the end of this paper, it points out that only with respect and love, as well as the right location of their cultural position, can they treat Chinese culture correctly.
Keywords: The Bone setter’s Daughter; Cultural conflict; fusion
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. The Collision between the First Generation and the Second Generation-2
3.1 Cultural identity-2
3.2 Values-4
3.3 Cultural context-7
4. The Fusion of Two Ideologies-8
4.1 Adaptation-8
4.2 Assimilation-9
5. Conclusion-11
Works Cited-12