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Thornton Wilder, an American playwright and novelist, won the Pulitzer Prize for his play Our Town. Throughout the play, Wilder explores the theme of life and death by focusing on the philosophy of coexistence of life and death, the fusion between Chinese and western culture and the practical significance of coexistence of life and death in the play. The analysis of the theme of life and death in the play will help to bring out the deep meaning of the play.


Key words: practical significance;the theme of life and death; the fusion between Chinese and western culture; our town





1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review1

3. The Theme of Life and Death in Our Town.2

3.1 The philosophy of coexistence of life and death in the play.3

3.2 The fusion between Chinese and western culture in the play4

3.3 The practical significance of coexistence of life and death in the play.9

4. Conclusion-.10

Works Cited11