Amy Tan,a distinguished Chinese-American woman writer,is accepted by both Chinese and American readers.Her novel The Joy Luck Club is very popular at home and aboard.The thesis places emphasis on the ecological feminism embodied in the novel.The thesis tries to use the theory of ecological feminism to analyze the awakening of the women including the mothers and daughters under the patriarchy society in The Joy Luck Club.The thesis studies the proximity between human and nature and the efforts to overturn patriarchal cultural reign by the female subversive force under the patriarchal oppression from two aspects.
Keywords: The Joy Luck Club; ecological feminism; nature and women; patriarchy
1. Introduction-1
2.Literature Review-2
3. The Embodiment of Eco-feminism in the Female Characters-3
3.1 The close relationship between female and nature-3
3.2 The harmony between human and nature-5
3.3 The harmony between woman and man-5
4. The Awakening of the Mothers and Daughters-6
4.1 The women social position in the patriarchy society-7
4.2 The mishaps and the awakening of the mothers-8
4.3 The mishaps and the deeper awakening of the daughters-9
Works Cited-13