In the field of translation, whether to adopt foreignization strategy or domestication strategy has become one of the hot debates in translation practice. The battle between the domestication and foreignization not only lies in the outer of the works, including language, structure and writing style, but also lies in the inner, such as social culture and political ideology. The different versions of the same original work preventing the reader from completely and accurately understanding the original meaning. This paper will begin with the definition of domestication and foreignization,then introduce the researches that previous scholars have made. Next, the paper will take two versions of Washington Square as examples to elaborate principle in choosing translation strategies. Based on the analysis and findings, the author favors the principle that foreignization should be dominantly used with domestication as a complementary approach in translation.
Keywords: Foreignization; domestication; Washington Square
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1An overview study of domestication and foreignization-1
2.2 Related information about the book and its two Chinese versions-3
3. Application of Foreignization and Domestication in Translation—— Taking Washington Square as an Example-5
3.1 The lexical level.-5
3.2 The syntactical level-7
3.3 The style level-9
4. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-11