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The language of a nation is closely bound up with its culture, and idioms even more so. This phenomenon can be perfectly explained by idioms containing “Dutch”. The reason is that these idioms, with stable formations and profound meanings, are naturally produced during people’s long-term repeatedly use ,which shows that they possess close association with their historical and cultural background. Therefore, with the progressively development of intercultural communication, it is necessary to study  cultural connotation of idioms containing “Dutch”. This dissertation attempts to analyze cultural connotation of idioms containing “Dutch”, including their origin, evolvement, and classification, and makes a careful research on their influences on intercultural communication. Above all, this paper emphatically discusses both these idioms’ positive functions and negative effects from a historically cultural perspective to help people have an objective understanding of idioms  containing “Dutch”and appropriately utilize them, at the same time, guaranteeing and promoting a successful cross-cultural communication. 


Keywords: idioms containing “Dutch”; cultural connotation; intercultural  communication





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Previous studies of idioms containing “Dutch”-2

2.2 The unsolved problems in studies of idioms containing “Dutch”-2

3. The Cultural Connotations of Idioms Containing “Dutch”-3

3.1 The origin and connotations of idioms containing “Dutch”-3

3.2. The classification of idioms containing “Dutch”-4

4. The Influences of Idioms Containing “Dutch” on Intercultural Communication-9

4.1 Positive functions in intercultural communication-10

4.2 Negative effects in intercultural communication-11

5. Conclusion-12

Work Cited-14