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In recent years, economic integration is developing with striking speed. With it, English is getting more widespread use as well, which brings forward higher request for students’ communicative competence. However, traditional classroom teaching underlines students’ reading and writing ability to the sky at the cost of their listening and speaking ability, which belies the request of communicative competence. In order to conform to the times development, teachers have to adopt new teaching method.

Situational Teaching Method lets students be in real or virtual situations to understand and master knowledge. Focusing on primary school English teaching, this paper intends to explore how to create effective situations and how to use Situational Teaching Method to cultivate students’ communicative competence.


Keywords: Situational Teaching Method; communicative competence; primary school English teaching





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Situational Teaching Method-2

2.2 Communicative competence-2

2.3 Related research-4

3. The Principles of Situation Teaching Method in English Class-5

3.1 Principle of being authentic-5

3.2 Principle of being practical-6

3.3 Principle of being communicative-6

4. The Ways of Cultivating Communicative Competence-7


4.2 Role playing-8

4.3 Multimedia-9


4.5 Body language-10

5. Related Case-11

6. Conclusion-13

Works Cited-15