Movies are indispensable parts of arts of mass communication in modern life, and consequently, the development of the movie industry across the world also makes subtitle translation a new and important field of translation practice. Million Dollar Baby has made great achievements in the history of the movie that is still praiseworthy today. Besides the well claimed narration of the story, subtitle translation plays a significant role in both showing the theme effectively and spreading across all over the world. Whereas most of the studies of the film Million Dollar Baby place emphasis on individual heroism and sportsmanship, there is a lack of research on the strategies of subtitle translation. Thus this paper adopts the case study of subtitle translation from the perspective of Nida’s functional equivalence and proposes that functional equivalence theory can be fine-tuned to provide guidance for subtitle translation practice.
Keywords: subtitle translation; Million Dollar Baby;Functional equivalence theory
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1 Review on subtitle translation-1
2.2 Review on functional equivalence theory-3
3. -The Applications of Functional Equivalence Theory in Subtitle Translation in Million Dollar Baby-5
3.1 Linguistic equivalence-5
3.2 Stylistic equivalence-7
3.3 Cultural equivalence-10
4. Conclusion-13
Works Cited-15