English vocabulary teaching is a way of language input. In the light of “i+1” theory posed by Krashen, English teachers can provide vocabularies above the current level of junior students and closely related to the textbook and students may choose those vocabularies suitable for them before moving on to the "i+1" level spontaneously. After the choice of suitable vocabularies, teachers can take full advantage of both "structural network" and "semantic network" to help students understand the general meaning of vocabularies before the mastery of internal structure and extended meaning of those vocabularies. In addition, teachers can also make good use of non-linguistic factors to incomprehensive vocabulary teaching, which helps to bridge the information gap between “i” and “i+ 1”.
Keywords: junior students; i+ 1; vocabulary teaching; current level
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review1
2.1 Vocabulary teaching and vocabulary learning .1
2.2 Previous studies at home and abroad3
3. “i+1” Theory.5
3.1 Definition of “i+1” theory5
3.2 Characteristics of “i+1”theory6
3.3 Theoretical bases of “i+1” theory.6
4.Application of “i+1” Theory to Vocabulary Teaching.7
4.1 The choice of vocabulary8
4.2 The use of multiple languages.9
4.3 The adjustment of teacher talk.9
5. Conclusion.10
Works Cited.12