Einsten once said, interest is the best teacher. However, in modern English teaching in primary schools, how to improve pupils’interest in learning English is a big problem, which puzzles many teachers. So, confronted with the present situation of primary school English teaching in China, the thesis wants to expound that game-teaching method in primary schools is not only feasible but also an ideal way of teaching English. What’s more, the thesis discusses the importance of and improves the advantages of game-teaching method in the English teaching. Meanwhile, it also focuses on the application of game-teaching method and talks about the requirements of the game-teaching method to the teachers. By knowing these requirements, teachers can know their demerits and put the theory into practice, which can help pupils learn English happily.
Key words: interest; game; English teaching; application
2.Literature Review-1
3. The Present Situation of Primary School English Teaching in China-2
4. Introduction to Game Teaching-4
4.1Definition of game teaching-4
4.2 Classification of teaching games-4
4.3 The advantages of game teaching-5
5. Application of Game Teaching Method-6
5.1How to choose games-7
5.2 Clear Rules-7
5.3Concrete steps-9
6. The Requirements of Game Teaching Method to the Teachers-10
6.1 Have solid basic skills-10
6.2 Be humorous-10
6.3 Have childlike innocence-11
6.4 Love students-11
6.5 Have professional dedication-11
6.6 Be like a director-11
Works Cited-13