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This thesis takes second language acquisition and constructivism as its guiding theories and draws on other theories of English extracurricular activities and intercultural communicative competence to analyze several problems existing in high school’s English teaching based on the current situation of English teaching in high schools. The thesis points out that the English extracurricular activity is a vital channel to strengthen students’ language application and cultivate their intercultural communicative competence. On this basis, combined with the author’s own teaching practice, the thesis discusses a number of measures with the intention of strengthening English extracurricular activities in high schools and improving students’ intercultural communicative competence effectively.


Key words:  -foreign language reform; English teaching in high schools; English extracurricular activities; intercultural communicative competence





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Researches home and abroad-2

2.2 Theoretical bases-3

3. The problems existing in high school’s English teaching-5

3.1 The limitations of traditional classrooms-5

3.2 The lack of teachers’ intercultural awareness-6

3.3 The deficiency of students’ ICC-7

4. The application of ECA and cultivation of students’ ICC in high schools-8

4.1 English lectures-8

4.2 English corners-9

4.3 English broadcasting stations-9

4.4 English films-10

4.5 English optional courses-10

4.6 English speech contest-11

4.7 English social clubs-11

4.8 English culture festivals-12

5. Conclusion-13

Works cited-14