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Nowadays, with the fast development of China’s economy in the globalized world, the cultural exchanges between China and oversea countries have been relatively frequent. The flourishing film industry is one of the gratifying results, which highlights the importance of subtitle translation. Recently, subtitle translation has drawn much attention from some scholars. But most of them focus on the Chinese translation of foreign films. I Am Not Madame Bovary is a 2016 film directed by Feng Xiaogang, which tells the story of a woman who fakes divorce with her husband in order to get a department. But after the divorce, her husband marries someone else, and the women takes the fight to court.

In the theory of Eco-translatology put by Hu Gengshen, translation is defined as a translator’s adaptive and selective choices during the process of translating in the ecological environment. And the selecting process includes three aspects—linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension, which is called three-dimensions. This thesis attempts to study the subtitle translation of filme I Am Not Madame Bovary under the guidance of three-dimensional transformation of Eco-translatology.

Keywords: subtitle translation; Eco-translatology; linguistic dimension; cultural dimension; communicative dimension





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Review on Eco-translatology-1

2.2 Review on the subtitle translation-2

3. Applications of Three-dimensional Transformation in the Subtitle Translation of Film I Am Not Madame Bovary-3

3.1 Linguistic dimension-4

3.2 Cultural dimension-5

3.3 Communicative dimension-7

4. Conclusion-8

Works Cited-10