With the globalization of the world economy, especially China joins in WTO. The trademark translation has become a significant part of the marketing. An automobile brand name is not a mere name of a car or a manufacturer, enterprise culture and brand value will impress the public by a delightful auto brand. Therefore,it comes to the important significance of translation in the automobile brand names. The article discusses the language feature of trademarks and the principles of trademarks in translation. Based on data of some automobile names, this paper tries to make research on the translation of automobile trademark names with some theories such as Nida's functional equivalence theory. By using plenty of trademarks examples, this paper not only wants to show the translation strategies of auto brand, but also arouse global automaker, especially Chinese manufacturers to foster a globalization and cultural communication awareness.
Keywords: automobile brand name; translation strategy; translating trademark; cultural differences
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
2.1 Auto Trademark and Brand Name Translation-2
2.2 Reaserach on Auto Trademark Translation -3
3. The Translation of Auto Trademarks-4
3.1The Principle of Simplicity -4
3.2The Principle of Aestheticism -6
4. Analysis of the Auto Trademark Translating Methods-7
4.1 Transliterations-7
4.2 Literal Translation-8
4.3 Free Translation-9
4.4 Combination of Transliteration and Literal Translation-11
5. Conclusion-12
Works Cited-14