As the carrier of culture, language directly reflects the current situation of all aspects of society, and is affected and restrained by the social status. American slangs are a kind of informal, non-written language, which play an increasingly important role in people's daily life. Different slangs of different social groups become widely accepted by the public and then form a popular form of slangs. As a special cultural carrier, American slangs reflect the authentic American English style and the Native American culture. Through the study of American slangs, we can more deeply understand the native culture of the United States, as well as its national characteristics to improve our cross-cultural communication skills. This article will analyze the cultural phenomena of American slangs from the definition and characteristics, the background and causes and the social function and the cultural conditions.
Key Words: slangs; culture; communication; sub culture
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1 Definition of slangs-1
2.2 Background of American slangs-2
3. Present Conditions of American Slangs-4
3.1 Basic characteristics of American slangs-4
3.2 Social functions of Americans-5
3.3 Social and cultural functions of American slangs-7
4. Prospects of American slangs-8
5. Conclusion-9
Works Cited-10