Abstract: This paper analyzes the inevitability of Uncle Tom’s death from several aspects. Due to the plantation economy of southern America, a great number of labor force is in need, which results in the prosperity of slave trade and the system of slavery. As a victim of the trade, Tom begins his tragedy. Tom’s extraordinary loyalty to both his masters and God makes him accept his fate of death without any struggle. The last straw of Tom’s death is his Christian love. In order to help others escape, he bears all the mistreatment until the last minute of his life. Mrs. Stowe’s writing purpose is to expose the brutal slavery in the south to the public to stir up more people’s hatred to the slavery. Only the death of loving and faithful Tom can shock people and make them aware of the cruelty of slavery. Therefore, Tom’s death is the inevitable result of slave trade and the system of slavery, and it also reveals Mrs. Stowe’s writing purpose of condemning slavery and arousing people to fight against it.
Key words: Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Southern America; Mrs. Stowe; slavery; inevitability
1. Introduction1
1.1 Introduction to Mrs. Stowe
1.2 Introduction to Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1.3 Literature Review
2. Contributory Factors to Uncle Tom’s Death..3
2.1 Social Factors
2.1.1 Plantation Economy of Southern America
2.1.2 Cruel Slavery
2.2 Tom’s Personality
2.2.1 Extraordinary Loyalty
2.2.2 Christian Love for Humanity
2.3 Mrs. Stowe’s Anti-slavery Thoughts
3. Conclusion