Abstract: Cross-cultural communication contributes to business negotiation between China and America. Improving cross-cultural communication skills has been an inevitable problem. Temporal Concepts are the major aspects of cross-cultural communication. This thesis makes a contrastive study on Temporal Concepts used in business negotiation between China and America. It mainly analyses differences of business negotiation between China and America in terms of the classifications of Temporal Concepts and culture roots of the two countries. Cultivating and improving Temporal Concepts in cross-cultural communication is in favor of business negotiation.
Key words: Business Negotiation; Temporal Concepts; Intercultural Perspective; Culture roots
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1 Overview of Temporal Concepts
2.1.1 Linear and Circular Time Orientation
2.1.2 Monochronic and Polychronic Time System
2.1.3 Past and Future Time Orientation
2.2 Overseas and Domestic Research Status
3. Temporal Concept Differences Between Chinese and American
Business Negotiation-3
3.1 Different Views on Schedule
3.2 Influences by Pace of Life
3.3 Influences by Long-Term and Short-Term Orientation
4. Cultural Roots of Different Temporal Concepts-6
4.1 Agriculture and Industry Cultures
4.2 High and Low Context Cultures
4.3 Collectivism and Individualism
5. Conclusion-7