Abstract: Nowadays, advertising has been an indispensable part of our life, the translation of advertising slogan plays an important role in the global advertising campaign. This paper attempts to analyze advertising slogan translation from the prospective of Skopos Theory. By applying the Skopos Rule, Fidelity Rule, and Coherence Rule, the paper explores three translation strategies: literal translation, liberal translation and imitation. With the guidance of the Skopos Theory, the translation of advertising slogan will be more informative, persuasive, and attractive if it concentrates on objectives, which in turn can promote commodities.
Key words: Skopos Theory; the translation of advertising slogans; translation strategy; three principles
2.Advertising Slogan-1
2.1 Definition of Slogan
2.2 Features and Functions of Slogan
3.Skopos Theory-3
3.1 Skopos Rule
3.2 Coherence Rule
3.3 Fidelity Rule
4.Application of the Skopos Theory in Advertising Slogan Translation-5
4.1 Literal Translation
4.2 Liberal Translation
4.3 Imitation
5. Conclusion-9