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Abstract: Film translation, as a kind of mass multimedia translation, was established as an independent area of translation in 1995. Nowadays, study on film translation in the west gets mature already, whatever in study of translation skills or formulation of the principles and standard of translation. However, in China, there is no professional standard or rules on the translation of film. The thesis is to focus on the uniqueness of film translation: popularity, spiritual-likeness and extralinguistic features. Elaboration of these characteristics is enhanced by samples to explain how they contribute to a good film translation. 

Key words: film translation, uniqueness, popularity; spiritual-likeness; extralinguistic features 




1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review  2

3. Characteristics of Film Translation.2

3.1 Popularity


3.3 Extra-linguistic Features 

4. Conclusion .8

Bibliography. .10
