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Abstract: This paper, by making a detailed analysis of the subtitle translation of Empresses in the Palace and the characters and limits of subtitle translation, intensively analyzes what translation method is to take in subtitle translation under the influence of cultural differences, such as social cultural differences, religious cultural differences and material cultural differences.

Key words: Cultural Difference; Subtitle Translation; Empresses in the Palace;Translation strategies





1. Introduction...1

1.1Introduction of Empresses in the Palace

1.2 Introduction of Subtitle Translation

1.3 Relationship between Language, Translation and Culture

2. Influence of Cultural Differences on Subtitle Translation2

2.1 Social Cultural Differences

2.2 Religious Cultural Differences

2.3 Linguistic Cultural Differences

2.4 Material Cultural Differences

3. Methods for Subtitle Translation5

3.1 Transliteration

3.2 Literal Translation

3.3 Liberal Translation

3.4 Substitution

4. Conclusion9

