Abstract: Under the circumstance of economic globalization, the international business activities become more and more frequent and the significance of the Business English has become more apparent. Meanwhile, an increasing number of people pay their attention to how to translate business English. This thesis introduced the approach of comparison and examplification to analyze and probe the characteristics of Business English language from lexis, syntax and discourse aspects. The relations of Business English language and skopostheory were discussed and explored. And also such translation techniques like meeting the purposes of source Business English text, adhering to the coherence principle and keeping fidelity to source text translation techniques were explored from the skopostheory viewpoint.
Key words: Business English language characteristics; business English translation techniques; skopostheory
1. Introduction1
2. Features of Business English.3
2.1 Lexical Features of Business English
2.1.1 Wide Use of Technical Terms
2.1.2 Concrete Words and Rigorous Diction
2.1.3 Mass Use of Abbreviation
2.1.4 Phenomenon of Polysemy
2.1.5 Use of Archaism and Neologism
2.2 Syntactic Features of Business English
2.2.1 Mass Use of Long Sentences
2.2.2 Mass Use of Passive Sentences
2.2.3 Mass Use of Nominalization
2.2.4 Fixed Narrative mode and Tense
2.3. Discourse Features of Business English
2.3.1 Invariable Structure
2.3.2 Mass Use of Procedural Language
3. Translation Techniques from Skopostheory Viewpoint.9
3.1 Relationship of Business English and Skopostheory
3.2 Translation Techniques from Skopostheory Viewpoint
3.2.1 Meeting the Purposes of Business English Language
3.2.2 Adhering to the Coherence Principle
3.2.3 Keeping Fidelity to Source Text
4. Conclusion13