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Abstract: This paper studies the development of black women’s images in Alice Walker’s works by analyzing some representative women from her works, including Margaret, Mem, Meridian, Celie, and Shug. Based on the social background of these images, this paper also analyzes the development of aesthetics and cognition embodied in these figures. The study finds that the black women’s images have gone through three stages: stage of the tragic female; stage of the awakening female and stage of the independent female. In addition, in creating these females, Alice Walker breaks the negative stereotypes about the females created by the previous black male writers and reveals the black female’s awakening sense of rebellion with a particular feminine aesthetic angle. 

Key words: Alice Walker; womanism; black women’s image





1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review. 2

3. Development of Black Women’s Images in Alice Walker’s Works  3

  3.1 Three Stages of Development 

 3.1.1 Stage of the Tragic Female

 3.1.2 Stage of the Awakening Female

 3.1.3 Stage of the Independent Female

  3.2 Development of Values

 3.2.1 Development of Aesthetics

3.2.2 Development of Cognition

4.Conclusions .13

Bibliography .15
