Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1Purpose and Significance of the Study-1
1.2 Organization of the Paper-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-4
2.1 Previous Studies-4
2.2 Definition of Cultural Default-4
2.3 Definition of Cultural Compensation-5
2.4 Adaptability and Practicability of Chinese Enigmatic Folk Similes-5
Chapter Three Translation Strategies Employed in Light of Cultural Compensation-7
3.1 Literal Translation-7
3.2 Literal Translation with Notes-7
3.3 Replacement-8
3.4 Explanation-9
Chapter Four Conclusion-10
4.1 Major Findings-10
4.2 Limitations of the Paper-10
4.3 Suggestions for Further Research-10
Enigmatic folk simile, which is very typical, is the essence of the Chinese culture. It has been formed in the long term of practice, revealing the distinctive features of our national culture. Language and culture are interdependent and inseparable. Meanwhile, the allegorical meanings of enigmatic folk similes are often implied. Owing to the great differences between the Chinese culture and western culture, shared background knowledge is needed to achieve the intended purpose of communication, no matter in the process of daily communication or in literary works. In C-English translation, cultural default always results in incomplete semantic expression which has a great impact on the success of communication. If literal translation is adopted without compensation, target readers may have difficulty in understanding. Through compensation strategy, more information can be added to make the implicit meaning explicit, thus, the allegorical meanings will be easily accepted by target readers. Cultural compensation can help break through the baldness of traditional literal translation as well as improving the quality of translation.
Keywords: Enigmatic folk simile Translation Cultural Default Cultural Compensation