Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Interruption-1
1.2 Reasons for the Study-1
1.3 Significance of the Study-1
1.4 Structure of the Thesis-1
Chapter Two Previous Studies on Interruption-2
2.1 Definitions-2
2.2 Effects-2
2.3 Functions-2
2.4 Interruption and Gender, Power or Status-3
2.5 Interruption in Institutional Discourses-3
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework-5
3.1 Face Theory-5
3.2 Politeness Strategy-5
Chapter Four Discourse Strategies of Hosts’ Interruption-7
4.1 Data Collection-7
4.2 Interrupting Strategies-7
4.2.1 Positive Interruption-7
4.2.2 Negative Interruption-10
Chapter Five Conclusion-13
5.1 Major Findings-13
5.2 Limitations-13
Previous studies on interruption mainly concentrated on its definitions, functions, effects as well as relationships with gender, power and status. However, they attached little to interrupting strategies between hosts and guests in reality TV shows. Under the guidance of face theory and politeness strategy, this thesis, based on interrupting discourses of Ellen Show from 2015 to 2017, discusses the discourse strategies of hosts’ interrupting guests. The results shows that hosts mostly take positive interruption and negative interruption in order to save guests’ face, control the program time, master the topic, change the topic or show different opinions. The study is beneficial to the harmonious relationship between hosts and guests.
Keywords: Ellen Show; interrupting discourses; interrupting strategies; face