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Abstract:With the development of globalization, intercultural communication is becoming more and more frequent, and the main goal of foreign language learning is to improve students' intercultural communication competence. Intercultural sensitivity, as an important part of intercultural communicative competence.Research shows that intercultural communication competence can be improved by enhancing Intercultural sensitivity. In college English teaching, many colleges clearly put forward the importance of cultivating students' intercultural communication competence. But what about the intercultural communication competence of college students?

     The study takes 105 non-English majors college students in Xuzhou University of Technology as the research object, using the questionnaire to investigate their intercultural sensitivity and intercultural communicative competence, and using Excel and SPSS19.0  to analyze the results. This study aims at exploring the non-English major college students' intercultural  sensitivity and presents situation of their intercultural communication competence. The research finds out that non-English majors in our school have little intercultural communication knowledge, weak intercultural communication awareness, and low intercultural communication skills generally. On the basis of the research results, this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions to improve students' intercultural communication competence.

      The first part of this paper introduces the research background, purpose and method. In the second part, the literature review elaborates the definition of intercultural communication and intercultural communication competence, and points out the relevant research status at home and abroad, providing theoretical basis for the whole paper. The third part is the main part of the study, which makes an empirical study on the intercultural sensitivity and intercultural communication competence of non-English majors. The fourth part analyzes the results of this survey and gives relevant suggestions. The fifth part summarizes this research and puts forward enlightenment and deficiency.

Keywords:  intercultural sensitivity  intercultural communication  non-English majors



研究以徐州工程学院105 位非英语专业大学生为研究对象,运用调查问卷对其跨文化敏感度和跨文化交际能力进行调查,并通过 Excel 和SPSS19.0软件对结果进行分析,旨在探究非英语专业大学生的英语跨文化敏感度以及跨文化交际能力的现状。研究发现:发现我校非英语专业学生跨文化交际知识欠缺,跨文化交际意识薄弱,跨文化交际能力水平普遍不高。在研究结果的基础上,本文提出了相对应的建议,为提高学生跨文化交际能力提供建议。







Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1Research Background-2

1.2 Research Purpose-2

1.3 Methods of Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

2.1 Intercultural Communication Competence-3

2.2 Intercultural Sensitivity.-4

2.3 Relations Between Intercultural Sensitivity&Intercultural Communication Competence5

2.4 The Status of Foreign Research-4

2.5 The Status of Domestic Research5

Chapter Three Survey Desgin-6

3.1 Research Subjects-6

3.2 Research Tools-7

3.2.1 Questionnaire-8

3.2.2 Test-.8

3.3 Reasearch Process9

3.4 Analysis and Disucssion of the Results9

  3.4.1 Students' Intercultural Sensitivity9

  3.4.2 Students' Intercultural Communication Competence15

Chapter Four Induced Factors and Suggestions-18

4.1 Induced Factors-18

4.1.1 Mother Tongue Inference18

4.1.2 Lack of English Culture and Knowledge19

4.2 Suggestions  -20

Chapter Five Conclusion-24



Appendix Ⅱ26