Abstract:Wuthering Heights, which is the most exotic and fancy novel, introduced into China in the early 20th century, has not only been greatly appreciated by readers, but also attracted extensive attention in the literary and translating field. Domestic scholars have studied the translated works from different perspectives such as the reproductions of the themes, characteristics, and writing strategies, etc. However, traditionally comparative study on different versions of Wuthering Heights usually focuses on the equivalence of the meaning and form between the source text and the target text, taking no notice of the influence of the social and cultural backgrounds on translation. Under the guidance of Tury’s descriptive translation methodology, this paper compares the two Chinese versions of Wuthering Heights, one is translated by Liang Shiqiu and the other by Fang Ping so as to probe the underlying impact of the social, political and cultural environment on the translation of Wuthering Heights during the different periods and in the different backgrounds.
Key words: Descriptive Translation Theory translation norms Wuthering Heights
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1Background of the Thesis-1
1.2 Significance of the Thesis-1
1.3 Organization of the Thesis-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Introduction of Descriptive Translation Theory-3
2. 2 Previous Studies of Descriptive Translation Theory-4
2.3 Previous Studies of Wuthering Heights-4
Chapter Three Comparative Study of the Two Versions of Wuthering Heights-6
3.1 Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights-6
3.2 Analysis of the Differences between the Two Chinese Versions-7
3.2.1 Comparative Study of the Preliminary Norms-7
3.2.2 Comparative Study of the Initial Norms-8
3.2.3 Comparative Study of the Operational Norms-9
Chapter Four Conclusion-12