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Abstract:The HP40Nb heat-resistant steel’s anti-oxidation property and anti-carburizing property in high temperature and carbon-containing atmosphere environment can be improved by pack aluminizing to improve material’s surface components and structure. The conventional pack aluminizing of heat-resistant steel was carried out by long time thermal retardation at high temperature (above 1000℃) which costs much and has negative impact on matrix material’s structure and properties. Researches were carried out on pack cementation aluminizing by applying AC electric field at heat-resistant steel’s surface, optimizing the mixture ratio of agent and aluminizing process. Pack cementation aluminizing was carried at temperature 700℃ to 800℃。 X ray diffraction and microhardness testing were employed for analyzing the phases and hardness of the aluminizing coating structures respectively. The results showed that compared with conventional pack cementation aluminizing, electric field enhanced pack aluminizing can lowered treating temperature and accelerate infiltrating speed so that can remarkably improve the experimental efficiency and the utilization ratio of agents; the aluminizing coating’s penetrating speed and thickness can be improved by increasing the temperature or increasing the AC field current.

Key words:pack aluminizing;Heat resistant steel ;alternating current field