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摘要:众所周知,我国的汽车工业起步较晚,目前技术落后和缺乏自主开发能力等长 期存在的问题仍未得到根本解决。汽车中的座椅是人与汽车接触的界面,人们驾乘 汽车的舒适性主要与座椅有关。随着科学技术的发展和生产力的提高,人们对工作、 生活、休息质量的要求不断提高,以前的那种从产品到人的产品设计模式己不能满 足日益丰富的工业产品的生产以及广大消费者对工业品的期望。这就要求产品设计 者在设计产品的时候能充分将人的因素、产品使用的环境因素甚至整个社会的文明 文化合理地、科学地运用其中。在设计中必须始终将人的因素贯穿在整个设计的始 终。

   本文以人机工程学理论为基础,通过对人体坐姿生理特性的研究,详细阐述了 国内确定轿车座椅设计的理论依据,研究驾驶员的操作行为,分析驾驶员的多种交 互通道,通过一系列运算公式和方法得到驾驶员座椅的各种参数,这些参数包括座 高、座深、座宽、靠背高度及宽度等等,以及对方向盘、变速杆和脚踏板进行了设 计分析。总结以往的设计经验,从人机关系对轿车驾驶位进行设计分析,人不再是 被动地去适应汽车,而是与汽车共同完成一个目标,使其更适宜于人的操作。充分 考虑人的因素,确保轿车更舒适、更安全,最大限度适应最终用户。



Abstract:As everyone knows, auto industry of our country starts relatively late, at present there are still some long-existing problems are not solved yet, such as backward in technique  and  lack  ability  to  develop  independently  etc.  Seat  of  automobile  is  the interface people contact with the automobile, people's driving comfortableness by car relates to seat mainly. With development and improvement of productivity of science and technology, people's request for quality of working, living, and relaxation raise constantly, Former product design mode that from products to people that already can't satisfied the manufacture of abundant industry production and the masses of consumer of industrial products day by day expectation. This requires products designer can take the human factor when design the products, environmental factor that the products being used, the civilization culture of the even whole society into account rationally, scientifically. Must is it design human factor entirely to run through all the time in design.

   The text detail the confirms the theoretical foundation that the automobile seat is designed, based on an man-machine engineering theory and physiological characteristics of the human body, to discuss the behavior of the driver's operation and the driver of a variety of interactive channels, use the study on human characteristic, to get the characteristic, these parameters include the high seat, seat depth, seat width, backrest height and width, etc, as well as on the steering wheel, gear shift and pedals for the design and analysis. Summarize past design experience, design analysing to the car driver's cabin from people-the relation of the machine and people-two respects of environmental relation, people no longer go to adapt to the automobile passivly, but finishes a goal with the automobile together, make it suitable for people's more operation. Fully consider the human factor, guarantee that the car is more comfortable, safer, the maximum adapts to the end user.

Keyword: Ergonomics, Driver’s seat, Steering wheel, Gear shift, Foot board