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摘要:随着企业竞争日趋白热化,用户对品质的要求越来越高,动态用工和结构性用工 又成为必然,在这样的市场环境和社会环境中,要保持高质量、高效率、低成本和快 速应变的竞争优势,标准化作业管理是至关重要。

   日本和美国的企业实践证明:作业标准化做得越好,对员工技能的依赖越低,新 员工上手越快;标准化作业做得越好,生产人员越有条件进行变化点管理,一线干部 越有时间推进改善优化;不断改善和优化的结果,是使企业作业标准化体系不断完善 并得到动态维护。所以,“铁打的营盘流水的兵”,日本和美国在华企业甚至能用高 达 40%以上的季节性用工还能保持强势的市场竞争力,标准化作业管理功不可没。

   最近丰田和本田,还有其他汽车厂家不断发生“召回门”事件,恰恰就是没有严 格按照标准作业生产的结果。由此可见,标准作业对保证产品品质是非常重要的。不 流入不良,不制造不良,不流出不良,正是标准作业所追求的目标。

   本文通过对标准作业程序(SOP)的一系列研究,再结合自身工作经验,不断改 进,总结提高,最后作成了某车门线标准作业设计。



Abstract:As the business competition intensifies, more and more users demand high quality, dynamic employment and structural employment has become a necessity in this market environment and social environment, to maintain high-quality, high efficiency, low cost and rapid responsecompetitive advantage, standardized job management is essential.

   Japanese and American business practice that: The better operating standards, staff skills, dependence on the lower, new employees get started sooner; standardization work done better, more qualified personnel to change the production point of management, the more front-line cadres time to promote the improvement of optimization; continuously improve and optimize the results of business process standardization system is to continuously improve and be dynamically maintained. Therefore, the "iron barracks go soldiers," Japan and U.S. businesses in China can even up to 40% of the seasonal employment can also maintain a strong market competitiveness, standardized job management contributed.

   Recent Toyota and Honda, and other car manufacturers continue to occur, "recall" incident,  just  that  there  is  no  production  in strict  accordance  with standard operating results. Thus, standard operating on to ensure product quality is very important. Not into the bad, do not create bad, not out of bad, it is standard operating objectives pursued.

   Based on the standard operating procedures (SOP) of a series of studies, combined with their experience, continuous improvement, review for improvement, and finally to become the standard operating design of a door line.

Keywords: standard operating, enterprise competition, door line