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摘 要:随着我国汽车工业的迅速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,国内各类汽车保有 量不断增多,汽车车身损伤修复定损的要求也日益提高,针对这种情形,本文以本田雅阁为例详细介绍了中等轿车车身油漆结构和钣金修复过程,并利用精密测量仪器和科学理论精确地分析车身损伤状况,提高车身修复质量,使车主更放心。

随着汽车科技含量越来越高,汽车维修市场竞争越来越大,车身维修过程是非常重要的,并不是简单从审美角度出发,还要在技术方面达到平衡,比如,保护作 用、防锈等都要被首先考虑;同时,需要满足客户的审美要求,只有结合这两方面,我们才能为客户提供更好的服务。

本文先对车身构造和车身材料等作了简介,再从刚度系数和碰撞变形能网格图两方面对车辆碰撞前车速与车体变形间关系进行定理分析,它有助于对汽车碰撞损 伤的诊断,并使用较多的图片系统地介绍了本田雅阁汽车车身修理工艺和车身涂装修理工艺,图文并茂,使车身损伤修复更加通俗易懂。同时也结合实际,举例分析雅阁轿车小损伤查勘定损及维修过程。

关键词:本田雅阁车身钣金修复,  本田雅阁车身喷涂修复,碰撞损伤诊断


Abstract:With  the  rapid  development  of  C hina's  automobile  industry  and  continuous improvement of living standard, The countries’ various types of vehicles are growing, the quality of auto body repair requirements increasing day by day, in this situation, take Honda Accord as an example, this article details on the structure of the paint and the sheet metal repair process of the medium sedan body, and use of the precision measuring instruments and scientific theories analysis the status of the body injury accurately, to improve the quality of vehicle repair, so the vehicle owners more confidence.

   With the content of automotive technology increasing , automotive repair market competition has become more intense, auto body repair process is very important, not only simply from the view point of aesthetic, but also in the technology balance, For example,  p rotection,  antirust.  should  be  considered  firstly and  to  mee t the aesthetic demands of customers, At the same time, only the combination of both, we to provide customers with better service.

   The article describes auto body structure and auto material fist, Then analyses the relationship of the vehicle before the collision’s speed and body deformation accurately by the stiffness coefficient and the collision deformation energy grid diagrams, which can help the diagnosis of vehicle collision damage. more of the picture are used to describe the Honda Accord auto body repair techniques and body paint repair process, illustrated, which make auto body damage repair to be more user- friendly. Combined with the actual. Giving an example to analyses the survey and setting loss and repair process of Honda Accord’s little damage.

Keyword: sheet  metal  repair  of  Honda  Accord  body,  repair  s pray of  Honda Accord body, Collision damage diagnosis