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Abstract:Corporate restructuring is accompanied by the emergence and development of enterprises and the development of a behavior,Reorganization is to be configured by the enterprise funds, assets, technology, management and other factors,To achieve the optimal combination of enterprise resource elements. Obtain strategic opportunities to develop synergies and improve management efficiency, in order to maintain a competitive advantage.The face of opportunities and challenges after China's WTO accession, Tobacco companies, the potential crisis is beginning to emerge, the tobacco industry for large-scale restructuring and organizational restructuring. Conform to the development of China's tobacco industry's specific goal is to deepen reform, promote the restructuring, to the joint and common development "to achieve the rational distribution of the tobacco industry, scale of operation. Tobacco continued integration of advantageous resources continue to focus on. The restructuring of the tobacco companies is the focus of the current tobacco industry.   SWOT analysis based on the consider this article Hongyun Honghe Group's restructuring advantages, weaknesses, opportunities, threats in four areas for analysis, come to the development strategy of the tobacco industry restructuring Countermeasures. Hongyun Honghe Group's reorganization of the exemplary role of the tobacco industry is constantly deepening perestroika; Hongyun Honghe problems encountered in the restructuring process will provide reference to the reorganization of the other tobacco companies.

Keywords: Tobacco; restructuring; SWOT analysis; Strategic Analysis