摘要:本文以完善巽寮湾滨海旅游度假区开发为出发点,主要的研究对象是广东省惠州市的巽寮湾滨海度假旅游景区,为了巽寮湾的开发建设尽快满足旅游消费者的需求,以实地调研和案头调研的方式, 发现巽寮湾开发现状所存在的漏洞,结合对旅游消费者的需求分析,探讨出针对巽寮湾滨海度假旅游区的特性建立满足旅游消费者在度假旅游途中所期待的需求,适合其长远发展的开发策略,从而为当地旅游资源的合理分配及改善当地度假旅游质量提供有价值的信息。
Abstract:This paper is to perfect the Xunliao bay coastal resort development as the starting point. The main object of study is the Xunliao bay coastal holiday resort scenic spot in Huizhou city of Guangdong. In order to the construction of its development can suitable with the consumers’ need as soon as possible. Though field research method, find the weakness of current development on this bay. Conjoint analysis of the tourist consumer demand, so that could establish the bay which is suitable with tourism consumers’ demand in the vacation traveling. Giving the local resources of tourism reasonable allocation and improve the local holiday travel quality by the valuable information.
Key Words:Coastal tourist resort, tourist development, tourist demand