Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology,the popularity of e-commerce,the customer has become more and more searce resources which rivaled by the various companies of all sectors.Who owns the customers,whoever owns the market share;the company who can retain the key customer and continuously atrract new customers,who will be able to secure the market share and be the leader of the related industry.However,with the huge customer database,how to take appropriate and effective management strategies has become a new topic to be studied.As a specialized company for manufacturing yuantong trade and other companies to provide professional logistics service to customers, the productive enterprises of very high, so its customer relationship management is particularly important.
Based on analytical model of customer relationship management theory, analysis from the competitive environment and yuantong company internal customer management current situation, find in customer management of yuantong defects and deficiencies, construct the yuantong company customer relationship management system, and put forward the concrete implementation plan of customer relationship management system, and to ensure the successful implementation of yuantong company customer relationship management system is the key factor to make detailed instructions, thus make analysis model of customer relationship management theory can be used in the actual yuantong company.
Keywords: Customers; Customer relationship management; System;Yuantong company
快递作为服务行业,对客户的依赖性非常强,而客户对快递公司提供服务的要求也越来越高,因此,完善的客户关系管理体系的建立就显得日益重要。但是我国对于客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)的应用,除了较大的外资公司以外非常之少,快递企业面对日益庞大的客户群体常常束手无策,客户由于得不到良好的服务,其流失率也是非常高。